May Members Exhibition Open Saturday and Sunday 12 - 3pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 3pm closed Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Exhibition closes on Sunday June 6th
The opening of the May Members Exhibition was held on Saturday 8th May. Deputy Mayor Giovanna Simpson opened the exhibition which was well attended. Giovanna chose her painting from the “Painting Giovanna” event which was held a few weeks earlier also acquired the other eight works with a donation to the BCAG. Viktor Zappner a well known Jazz pianist and patron of the arts judged the exhibition awarding Josephine Lawrence first prize for her work” The Jagged Coast”, second place went to Jakki Boucaut for her work .”Summer Red with Apples”
Jo Lawrence with her winning work “The Jagged Coast”
Preparing afternoon tea
Sadhana Cook with her encaustic work
“Silent Moon”
First prize winner Josephine Lawrence, President Dawn Woodhouse, second prize winner Jakki Boucaut, Deputy Mayor Giovanna Simpson and Suzanne Hennessy
Giovanna with some of the painting Giovanna works
Jakki Boucaut’s work “Red with Apples
Giovanna chose this work of Suzanne Hennessy’s because it reminds her of her grandmother.
Jakki Boucaut’s work “Red with Apples”